What amazing variety has sprung up due to COVID19!
Now that we've poked a little human fun, let us get down to the forgotten(?) science of COVID-19!
Understanding COVID19 from the perspective of energy, frequency and our vibrational universe.
When Albert Einstein gave us the famous equation E=mc2, he was showing us the math of the mass of matter being equivalent to energy. When we started plugging "things" into it, we realized that there are VAST amounts of energy in all things! (Because energy IS all things.)
If we were able to achieve pure exchange of matter-based mass (like say a one pound {.453 kg} log of wood) into pure energy without that energy also becoming light, heat, ash, and so on, we could get 11,324,124,766 kilowatthours (kWh) from it.
That's over 11 billion kWh!
The average American home (according to 2019 data) used 10,649 kWh a year,
so that one pound log with perfect mass to energy conversion could power
for an ENTIRE year!
Do the math and a one pound log of wood, perfectly converted into energy, could power forty-four (44) Nordlingen sized American (consumer) cities for a whole year. This is relevant because even adding up all the physical matter in our known universe (us, earth, the sun, galaxies, pulsars, etc,) it's still only less than 5% of the known universe. Yes, what we perceive as our physical reality is less than 5% of our known universe, and even that 5% is comprised of energy in the form of... everything we sense with our physical senses and so far have figured out how to record.
This is important! HOW does Einstein and E=mc2 relate to COVID-19?!
Aside from the actual viral cells of COVID-19 being physical matter-mass made of energy in the form of...[insert nitty gritty of viral cell], this is relevant because of Nikola Tesla (and also Royal Raymond Rife's) research into energy and matter as frequency and vibration. Einstein gave us matter as energy, and Tesla and Rife gave us matter (therefore also energy) as frequency-vibration.
Matter = Energy = Frequency = Vibration
We have known, socially accepted examples of this in the famous "glass shattering musical note" played by any variety of instruments, or vocal chords, or stereo speakers. The demonstration shows the wine glass and the glass table are both glass, but remarkably different kinds of glass with very different frequencies of resonance, for when the singer sing's the right note, at the right intensity, and for just enough time, the wine glass shatters and the glass table it sits on remains intact.
Vibration in the form of sound basically matches that of the glass, matches the vibration that all the molecules making up the glass are shaking at (which we like to call frequency of vibration, frequency, or vibration) which allows them their solid, uninterrupted shape in perfect balance until...
Once resonance or harmonization is reached, the sound waves are no different than the glass in energy terms, but since the glass is made of stationary energy ultimately, and the sound is motion energy, this shakes loose the bonds between molecules making up the wine glass and causes it shatter.
Sound is not glass, though both are "made of" energy in frequency form.
Staying within the atomic sciences, those bonds are very simply the energy we call electrons, being shared by more than one atom (like two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom sharing electrons creates the molecule we know as water,) and as such, causing those atoms to be perceived as forming the solid (liquid, gas or plasma), tangible, "physical" state of all known matter. From bacteria and viruses to glassware and vocal chords, violins and automobiles, smartphones and VR goggles, "sharing" energy is the only thing holding 'em all together.
So, when the sound wave (energy in the vibrational frequency of sound), "hits" the wine glass, it doesn't actually "touch" anything because of equal and opposite reactions, but energy is not created or destroyed, it just changes or transforms form. It is all energy interacting and interchanging and sharing or not sharing. Sharing energy and the wine glass is solid, not sharing energy and it breaks. The transition between sharing energy and not sharing energy happens when the sound waves join the sharing of energy and, because of their directional momentum, keeps going. (Things in motion will stay in motion until acted upon by an outside force.)
The vibrational energy of sound waves expand (as a part of their natural function,) the energy of glass vibrates where it is (as a part of it's natural function,) the result of their meeting is disastrous for the glass and takes measurable oomph out of the original sound, from that wine glass on.
A virus is less complex energy than bacteria or a single celled organism.
Viruses are just replicators, they attach, they enter, they strip, take over, replicate and disperse to repeat the process, and they can ONLY do it if they have a LIVING cell to ...become.
Let me repeat that:
Viruses cannot enter a cell to take it over until and unless it first has "attached," but the only thing that ever connects anything to anything else is the sharing of energy.
Solely in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration, the only difference between people who get the virus and those who don't, is the sharing or not sharing of energy with the virus so, the real question is: Why do some people's cells share energy with the virus and others don't?
If simple "contact" was the answer it would imply the virus is like an energy hitchhiker-sticker-seed-pod that Velcro's to any appropriate cell to come near enough. Which, energetically, would be saying the molecules of the virus have such perfectly adaptable harmonizations of their energy they can force the sharing of energy with any appropriate human cell in the energy's ambient range. Clearly that just isn't true, because some people are carriers and some people don't even seem to "contract" it, even when exposed!
Quite simply, in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration:
Some people are in a frequency vibration that harmonizes with the virus like a sound wave harmonizes with a wine glass, and some people just don't harmonize with the virus like the glass table doesn't harmonize with the sound wave. For me to speculate on who is who, would be to imply I have way more knowledge of any specific individual than I actually have so, I simply won't speculate on who is who. What I will say, about being or not being a person harmonizing with "contracting" COVID19, is this:
Our complex energy vibrating at the frequency of a sentient human being is as naturally stable and secure as the energy vibrating at the frequency of a wine glass. We are the energy set in motion that will continue in our natural, stable motion until acted upon by an outside force. The outside force of a virus is itty-bitty and negligible compared to even one cell in our bodies, until and unless it is given energy.
Our conscious minds have a clear and present affect on our human bodies.
I was cut to the muscle playing a game as a child but didn't bleed or feel it until someone else saw it, pointed it out to me, and then I saw the actual wound and processed it was a wound. I didn't understand then, the implications of that sequence of space-time, but now I use it as just one of (I dare say) near infinite (near because it's not actually infinite) examples of mind over matter. It's all energy.
Equal and opposite reactions at play, as is the law with matter-bound physics, how can a human cell become harmonized to share energy with a virus without first "lowering" (for lack of a better term) their vibrational frequency to that of a virus?
They can't. Human beings give a virus energy by first harmonizing with the virus' vibrational frequency in the believing that they are unhealthy, in the believing that they are unworthy of healthy living, in being afraid of being unwell, in entertaining the notion that they might be treated better by loves ones if they were unwell, etc., and just like the child who once thought anything was possible and then came to believe otherwise through repeated telling shaping experience... so the healthy comes to believe they are unhealthy, unworthy, and longing for better which they are afraid they cannot attain or cannot attain without sacrifice.
All of our self-doubts and thoughts of sacrifice and suffering are energetic equivalents to losses of energy to other energy states; like the log that burns into light, ash, smoke, heat, etc.
After that, the virus is like the sound wave through the wine glass, it's natural momentum meets little or no resistance and the cell membrane gives in to the virus which promptly does the only thing it does, strip, take over, replicate and disperse to repeat the process. (March 2 add: Which really is our human being energy frequencies harmonizing with and then into the virus energy frequencies, and quite literally transforming our matter in the process.)
Parents and teachers don't lecture because they like the vocal practice, the news doesn't fear monger for your safety, and Tomorrowland wasn't just a for-fun film.
Mind over matter is real.
What is your mind mattering?
202103011927 Pacific Time
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