While not a complete list, this page serves as an example of shows and exhibitions M.E. (lookpastit.com) has participated in, including some of the showcased art.
In a custom painted 2000 GMC Safari, RA and M.E. go on a tour of the United States, a little lost but determined to discover answers to life and that almost laughable notion of world peace. The most profound answer came at the souther edge of the Grand Canyon, Arizona USA, and everything about lookpastit.com changed to accommodate it in ever expanding ways:
World Peace is attained through collective personal peace, and we have a HUD!
(world peace van link comig soon)
NASA calls for Art Submissions to join Lockheed Martin and the University of Arizona in the OSIRIS-REx (Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer) Mission.
Thousands of Artists answered, M.E. included! After reaching out to the teams to see about the possibility of getting a copy of the collection, the Principal Investigator of the OSIRIS-REx Mission replied and kept a dialog open to ensure NASA and the OSIRIS-Rex teams are well represented, but that the space craft has the only copy of the whole collection. Through manual re-collection and curation of the Artworks, M.E. offers offplanetart.com
An all you can eat buffet of Fine Art and Costume design, where the Art on the walls could be purchased off the walls, and everyone was in contest for "Most Original" or "Best Costume" brag rights and prizes to launch People Flavored. In hand-made matching Christmas present costumes, one pristine and from "Treat" to "Trick" and the other slap-dashed with re-used wrapping paper and duct tape from "Trick" to "Treat," lookpastit with RAeyes won "Most Original."
When we decided to join RAW in their first Cincinnati showcase (ELEVATION) with thirty other artists, we had only the vaguest idea of what we wanted to share and not the faintest what memories we would bring back. To sample our perspective experience please see the PDF viewers below.
A look back at the night, the show, and the artwork showcased by lookpastit.com with RAeyes.
A look back at the night, the show, and the artwork showcased by lookpastit.com with RAeyes.
December, 16th, 2011 @ 57 West: This showcase was a live painting performance by Remmy Ar'emen (RAeyes) and myself (LookPastIt) to help in the fundraising to support Orlando Florida's Jobs With Justice campaign. Musiicians played music live and we painted live. Artworks were on auction throughout, and at the end, the artwork we painted was auctioned too. Proceeds went to Orlando Florida's Jobs with Justice.
" We gathered because we know change needs to happen and we’re not going to wait for the corrupt to gain conscious. Together we would come up with a plan of change, together we would work out the details of action required to make it happen and all along the way seeking the input of The People. How can we expect anyone to do what’s right if we’re not willing to do it ourselves?
This continues to exist as a first person account of several groups of Florida individuals gathering for the purpose of social, economic, and ecological reform during "Occupy Wall Street" or "The Occupy Movement."
March & November 2011 @ @ the Downtown Arts District in Orlando, FL:
This project was the collection of Artists from around the Orlando Area setting up sidewalk displays on the third Thursday of every month to promote Art in the area and give an opportunity for Artists to build social networks, get seen and invited to other shows and galleries, as well as sell their work on the walk.
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