Sponsored by lookpastit.com, we're creators and roleplayers who love exploring infinity, playing games and having fun, all the while allowing ourselves personal realizations, revelations and enlightenment. This only works because we all respect one another's free will. SSCRPG website-forum coming soon.
Our Terms are basically:
1) Self-governance and abide LL TOS, since all of our playgrounds are built in Second Life.
2) Be "on sim" to have fun Roleplaying, as you are playing through the role of your avatar.
3) Play whatever you want, but respect each other & the genre of the sim's build.
Anyone 18+ , with a PC or Laptop and a reliable internet connection, may join our games and groups.
If you already have a SL account and know how to roleplay, start here with our "soft opening."
We're working on a separate, child-safe playground for minors with parental/guardian permission.
Check back soon.
Roleplaying (RP) is Role-Play (Roleplay), which is to say that you put your mind into a "role" usually different than your own, and then "play" out said role in different scenarios to see what happens. That is all RP is; you (out of character, OoC) playing a role (in character, IC) for the fun of it.
In SSCRPG we roleplay in Second Life, through Avatars.
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Official Website: https://secondlife.com
One can think of Second Life (SL) as a virtual reality that one experiences through their avatar. Since 2003, Second Life pioneered the minority of virtual reality community gaming in allowing just about anyone to create just about anything and make it available to others to experience for free or for a profit!
As a result Second Life is HUGE (and older than Minecraft, for reference)!
Official Website: https://secondlife.com
One must choose an avatar in Second Life because that is how one experiences the virtual world, and how one is represented to others. In roleplay, the avatar takes on the role of any character, and is customized and costumed to become that character, so that one may roleplay as that character.
Thankfully, one can even make and save many customized avatar looks and change them at will with "outfits" in your SL or third-party viewer.
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Official SL Website: https://secondlife.com
Official Firestorm Viewer Website: https://www.firestormviewer.org
Once one has signed up for SL and chosen the free option or to be a premium member, one has to download "viewer" software that allows one to interact with the virtual reality and everyone else in Second Life. Second Life recommends using the official Second Life viewer. SSCRPG recommends the Firestorm viewer because they were kind enough to code it for Windows OS users, Mac OS users, and Linux OS users. :)
For now, SL's mobile viewer version is still in Beta Testing.
$1 USD = L$ 256 + or -
Linden Labs, the creators of Second Life, and independent creators of Second Life offer all sorts of FREE stuff for your avatar, and even props and furniture. The only thing you cannot find for free on SL is land.
That said, one can experience roleplaying in SL, on other folks land, without paying for anything. Although, it its important to note that there are some Regions and Parcels which require "payment info on file" as proof of one's adult age, to even enter the land.
Purchasing SL goods from the following SL MP stores contributes directly to the SSCRPG:
In SL, the whole virtual reality is made up of gridded "land," and each square in the grid is 256 meters by 256 meters, which includes 4000m of sky, and is called a "Region." Each Region (example outlined in yellow) can (it doesn't have to) be divided into smaller "Parcels" (example outlined in green) that may have their own names, but are still a part of the Region. Whole Regions that have only 5000 prim/land impact capacity, instead of the usual 20,000, are called "Homesteads," which one can only get if one is already paying for at least one full region. Often, "Estates" is the name we give to a group of land (regardless of type) owned by the same owner, be it an individual or a land-group made up of two or more individuals. "Sims" are the simulated world built in/on the Parcel of a Region or the whole Region, including Homesteads, or entire Estates of parcels and regions and homesteads.
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In 2003 when SL launched, the virtual world was made up of "primitives," which later became called, "prims." With the right texture of colors one could "sculpt" a basic "prim" into just about anything, the colors on the texture telling the prim to morph in specific ways. Additional textures were used to give the sculpted prims their visual colors and look. As time went on, basic and sculpted prims evolved into "mesh" prims that basically have virtual wire frames that give them their shapes so that the only textures one has to change are the visual look of the shape. On average, one basic prim is one land-impact. Land-impact is just a nice way of saying server data impact. The more complex the object, the more land-impact it will have. Linking objects together into a greater scene or prop, like oxygen and hydrogen join into a molecule of water, can actually reduce land-impact sometimes.
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SSCRPG currently has an estate of parcels spread out across the Second Life grid. Anyone 18+, with appropriate PC or laptop, software and internet connection, can visit and play on our playgrounds. Many of these sims even have rentals available (paid for with L$, 50% or more of which goes to our Player Enhancement Fund [PEF], that our renters get to vote how to spend!) so one's character can live on sim! Enjoy!
These same playground sims also serve as film-sets for our Machinema projects. Therefore, roleplayers (RPers) also have a chance (optional) to play as extras and supporting characters in our series, or (also optional) just participate in series-plot twists by following along in-world.
All of this is to offer a relatively safe virtual place for folks to discover (or re-discover) that the only control any one of us has is of ourselves and our own experiences, in roleplay and in real life.
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