The testable, repeatable science of freewill and energy that is all things; where consciousness, time and space are equal, three dimensional parts of the fabric/motion of our reality.
(The explanation of which is still being developed.)
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It may seem like we're bouncing around in our explanation, but if you are open, it is like a key into a lock, turning tumblers to free our greatest potential through understanding... and eventually experience.
Thanks for being on this journey!
Energy is basically the clay of existence,
the substance from which all things become…whatever they become…
Frequency is basically the DNA,
the code which is the blueprint for said substance (energy) to be that something specific, like a force of creation/nature, a quark, a hadron, proton, atom, molecule, single celled organism, and even fully sentient conscious person with perspectives and inventions.
Vibration is basically the Conductor,
the harmony which matches energy and frequencies with their likenesses and complimentary contrasts in perfect timing;
in other words, the harmonizing of the energy in the frequency form of… everything we can observe and measure, co-existing in what we’re calling reality.
Becoming; the first FreeWill action was to expand and become. Many of us commonly call it "The Big Bang" and it wasn't very big, at first.
The first becoming, (our best guess...)
a multi-dimensional, timeless,
cause-and-effectless free for all?!
At the apparent edge of the Planck Era, the "forces of creation" or "Forces of Nature" as we know them, transform from the ALL-energy and become distinctly the ALL-energy being
"free will," "gravity," "strong nuclear force," "weak nuclear force," and "electromagnetism" in a bath of photons and pure energy of creation-and-annihilation of matter-antimatter sub-atomic bits...
but you couldn't really "see" any of it,
and not just because eyes didn't exist yet.
With the new handy Forces of Nature to work with, the creation-and-annihilation hits an imbalance (I believe, because of the freewill of the energy involved), leaving one matter-bit left for every billion that annihilate with their antimatter-bit counterparts, giving us the primordial building blocks of the universe as we know it; forces and matter.
ALL-as-ONE now also being one-as-FORCES & MATTER!!
"In the beginning God created the Heaven & Earth." Gen. 1:1
One full second into expansion and our all-as-one energy has expanded into one-as-many, including the forces of nature and sub-atomic matter particles I keep calling bits, that now include the protons and electrons we know and love.
Two minutes into expansion and the imbalance allows enough sub-atomic-matter bits to join that we get our first elements: Hydrogen, Helium, "heavy hydrogen" aka Deuterium, "even heavier hydrogen" aka Tritium, and Lithium;
the building blocks of stars... but first-
For 380,000 of our earth measured years (before earth exists to measure years) this particle-element soup expands and cools, the imbalance continuing in the favor of more matter-bits until a near-literal picture is formed...
The first cosmic selfie! Basically, the last of the free-floating electrons found proton, proton-neutron, and proton-neutron-electron partners to dance with, releasing a bath of photons that had no more free floating electrons to bounce off of, and thus snapped the first picture of where all the matter was in this early universe; from where we are, we "see" it in "microwaves" so we call it the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, or CMB.
It takes the first billion years of earth measured time of expansion to coalesce enough matter to create stars and super clusters of stars we call galaxies, and superclusters of galaxies too, all with stars living and dying and spewing the heavier elements they created in their guts, to populate the cosmos with more complex matter!
(Presumably this is also the birth of our blackholes and white holes, maybe even wormholes. And since we have no socially accepted idea about "dark matter" but it's gravitational pull, or "dark energy" but its expansive force, I'm going to mention them here as they certainly helped form our galaxies and galaxy clusters and superclusters!)
4 billion years later (9 billion years ago for us), our sun, Sol Helios, is born within the Spur of the Orion Arm of the Milky Way galaxy, circling as a part of the Virgo supercluster, and it takes more than 5 billion more of our earth measured years for the surrounding matter to accrete into the planets we know and love, one of which we've been measuring our sense of time by...
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Planet that later became (Earth?) Ceres & the Asteroid Belt, (planet rumored to be circling the opposite way?), Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, MakeMake, Haumea, Eris & the Kupiter Belt, plus our outermost shell of the distant Oort cloud.
As newly formed planetary bodies themselves, our solar neighbors and Earth herself joined their cosmic ancestors in a bombardment of solar debris which allowed close neighbors to share elements and minerals before everything calmed and cooled down about four and a half billion earthly years ago.
This, for us,
is when the magic really starts to happen.
4.4 billion previous revolutions of our world around our sun, those elements and minerals cooled and settled into land and ocean we know shifted and changed over time on our particular planet, Earth!
A billion years later, about 3.5 billion years ago, by means we're still not entirely sure scientifically (freewill!), single celled organisms populate our oceans! These first organisms don't need oxygen to live, but rather, basically separated the hydrogen (which they consumed) out of the H2O of water, and released the oxygen!
It takes those early organisms, and their descendants, billions of our earth experieced years to produce us Ozone and Atmosphere. The only reason we could come into being is that Earth has liquid water, ozone and atmosphere viable for more complex life!
As such, we have the rise of more complex life forms which Dinosaurs are known to have dominated 200 million years ago, over 13 billion years into expansion of the all-as-one into the freewill driven, cooperative many...
And 65 million years ago, Mt. Everest sized space-debris slammed into Earth and killed off all-living animals "larger than a suitcase," as NDG Tyson wrote it. Despite taking out the dinosaurs and most of our flora and fauna, look how diverse we are!
With most dinosaurs dead, mammals rise! For millions of our Earth journeys around our sun, Sol Helios, mammals evolve with the Earth herself in cycles and changes the animal kingdom and plant-life learns about freewill choices with!
We expanded and evolved into early people among the plants and animals, more than 13 and a half billion years into expansion of the all-as-one into one-as-many.
So, here we are, evolved people looking back.
As we seek to understand ourselves, we cannot help but to feel a need to understand the reality we live in too, and that isn't arbitrary. We are one!
You ARE the reality you are living, as much as you are you.
We are all one energy in many forms.
This is the first foundation of energy physics.
With the whole of our known cosmos fresh in your mind, one can better understand the eternal now. If one can stretch the imagination to include the known cosmos AND all expansive futures as a whole like our earth is a whole, segmented and unravelled in a this-than-that fashion (timezones), you can see we have done the same to the eternal now , (past-present-future.)
And just like we might say Japan is thirteen hours ahead of the east coast of the United States, technology has helped to prove that Japan is actually experiencing the same now, and we can interact across this apparent thirteen hour physical barrier that is the "surface" of the earth. ;)
As it is with all of space-time (the surface), and thus we call the entirety of "time," the "eternal now."
This is the second foundation of energy physics.
Energy is the expressed conscious-time-space of existence, the substance from which all things become…whatever they become…
Vibration is basically the integrator,
the harmony which matches likenesses and complimentary contrasts in perfect timing; in other words, the expression of everything we can observe and measure, co-existing in what we’re calling reality.
Frequency is basically the energetic pattern,
the code which is the blueprint for said substance (energy) to be that something specific, like gravity, water, a tardigrade, a peace lily, colors, and spectrums.
Energy is equal parts consciousness, time, and space, while vibration and frequency are it's movements, what energy "does."
The line between the Planck Era and Now,
the only "reason" we even have "laws,"
is cause-and-effect perception.
What created perception,
the ability to perceive and have a perspective?
Energy may only become, that is to be, by the force of freewill, and by becoming, energy willingly agrees to the other two rules.
(You see, because freewill energy can be, and is both the rule/law and the agreement to abide.)
By vibration, energy in frequency forms will harmonize with complimentary contrasts;
equal opposites.
By frequency, alike energy will move to each other; likes attract.
(Not to be confused with electrically charged matter [magnetics] abiding the laws of physics where like magnetic charges repel.)
The Swastika
Without freewill to choose to perceive it as evil or as good, the swastika would have only one meaning in our reality. However, because we do have freewill, the symbol remains the same while what it means depends on the individual and their knowledge, perspectives, and beliefs about reality.
Without the harmony of the opposing equals, of contrast, like heat rising and cold sinking, we don't have a frame of reference for choices. When hot and cold unify, the air temperature is even, but stops moving and becomes stale. Contrasts harmonizing is the movement of reality that gives us choices.
Gravity & Magnets
Without attraction, particles and planets and peoples wouldn't exist. Attraction comes in many forms naturally, automatically, systematically, and predictably. Likes attract, and even electromagnetics (magnets) remind us that contrasts circle back to attraction when we see opposites attract.
These contrast and attraction rules aren't new to us, we saw them "when" the all-as-ONE became ONE-as-MANY on the edge of the Planck Era;
"free will," "gravity," "strong nuclear force," "weak nuclear force," and "electromagnetism," or in other words the first perspectives, that of separation or collection of energy.
That first perspectives shift, of collection or separation of energy, is the basis of our physical reality. Even the raw creation and annihilation of matter and its anti-matter counter parts follows this basic first perspectives shift between and of separation and collection- …well, more accurately, unified or separate, until the imbalance, and then we had true collection and separation from unity.
You see, “unified” and the matter and antimatter annihilate each other and return to raw energy and photons (which, in simple terms are raw illumination energy carrying data, one might even say the "record" of said event.) But when matter and antimatter collect, join without unifying, join together while remaining separate, well, we get mesons. Naturally, not the most stable, and within nanoseconds, they separate again in a “decay,” which (for heavier mesons) become lighter mesons and eventually separate further, closer to that raw energy in the unique separate states of being we call neutrinos, electrons and more photons, as example.
Most mesons today are created and studied in controlled lab environments, but they also helped us get our physical reality going in our big-bang beginning so, let’s talk about those parts they “died” to become (not the only way to "become" electrons, neutrinos or photons, BTW, just one example):
We’re all pretty familiar with photons giving us illumination (light) and information (data) and moving at a set speed, which we conveniently call the speed of light. In one second, in the relative time it takes us to say “one Mississippi,” one photon of light travels one hundred and eight-six thousand (186,000) miles (300,000 km)! In just one second! If that photon were to circle the earth, just along its equatorial surface, it would take that photon just over a fraction of a second (.133 of a second roughly) to return to where it began.
That is incredibly fast (from our human perspective)!
We’re also pretty familiar with electrons being the negative electrical charge that surrounds the positive proton-neutron nucleus of our atoms. That, when two or more atoms share an electron-charge, we have a molecule (a chemical bond,) like an oxygen atom “sharing electrons” with two hydrogen atoms gives us a molecule of water.
Electrons play a vital role in the apparent physical nature of our reality!
Which brings us to when the bond of sharing those electrons is broken, say the stronger gravitational force of a larger cluster of water molecules stripping electrons in their passing, the hydrogen and oxygen separate again, visually seen by us in frothing waters at the base of any waterfall or the edge of any surf, as examples.
Not all of us really grasp the unseen realm though; that the reason why the electron went from an apparent “particle” to an apparent “cloud” is on account of that apparent electron particle being capable of spinning itself at 9/10ths the speed of light, (this interaction between the electron and the proton or proton-neutron nucleus is what gives us electromagnetic charge), and instead of crossing a universe or circling a planet, they spin around the center of an eecntsy-weentsy atomic nucleus! It is no wonder we’ve observed electrons exhibiting the same wave/particle functions we see in photons!
Remember the cool visual effect The Matrix got when filming the speed of a bullet? The apparent physical trail we could see? It is a good reference for the observational changes of speed, and if you’ve seen the film and their DVD behind the scenes, your mind can better understand/see what I mean. ;)
Which brings us to neutrinos, because I mentioned them I will elaborate on them in so far as explaining that like a photon, they just keep going, and unlike a photon, matter doesn’t matter to a neutrino and it “passes right through matter.”
To understand that, we look again at the atom, the collection of gluons carrying strong nuclear force between two up quarks and a down quark to give us a proton, and two down quarks and an up-quark gluon-strongNuclear force bound together to give us a neutron, with at least one electron creating the cloud the nucleus lives in, the cloud that’s about 100,000 times bigger than the nucleus itself.
If that nucleus were about the size of a ping-pong ball instead of being so eentcy-weentcy, the electron would be about the size of a grain of sand (if we could give it a dimensional size at all) with a negatively charged electromagnetic field, “cloud,” about eleven football fields wide with that ping-pong ball in the center. There is SO MUCH apparent “empty space” in a single atom, and the neutrino doesn’t have to push or cut, it just sails right through. As a result, we now have “ground penetrating radar” that is far less invasive than impact-vibration mapping, and more effective than other methods that cannot penetrate the atomic structure of all present materials.
We don’t really need to know the nitty gritty mechanics to function in reality, but for some of us, making sense of these details helps us make sense of the greater movements too. If one looks along the scales of reality, from the very small to the very large, from the beginning of our apparent physical becoming to our now looking back on it, forces and matter move by varying degrees of collection and separation of that original unified energy. Which brings us to a funny apparent conundrum of mutually exclusive ideas co-existing.
495 - 450 B.C.E.
(2,470+ years ago)
"Zeno's Arrow Paradox," as the idea is socially known, is basically the realization that (before cameras) if you could stop time and look at any one moment, say, an arrow flying at it's target, well, it's not actually going anywhere! The arrow, everything in that moment, is exactly where it is!
So, Zeno explained, motion must be an illusion!
1898 -1990 C.E.
(30+ years ago)
Dewey's "Reciprocal System Theory (RST)," as the idea is known (in specialized social pockets,) is basically the realization that space and time are equal, three dimensional expressions of the same larger fabric of reality, space-time, and that space-time is the only thing moving, not any "objects" in "space" through "time," as most of us have come to understand.
So, Dewey explained, motion must be reality!
Folks discovered they could see the first (then unnamed) motion picture, if they darkened a room and poked a pinhole in the wall separating the dark room from the well lit outside. The pinhole filters light, photons, and with them, the data they carry, which was an image of the sunny street outside, albeit upside down on the wall opposite the pinhole. Later in time, this particular method and phenomenon became called Camera Obscura.
The first photographs (in the 1800s) took minutes to expose light through a pinhole and onto a light-sensitive metal sheet. Light-sensitive in that the photons changed the chemical make-up on the surface of the metal upon "contact," which leads to visual changes down the line. So, people had to sit very still and pretend not to move so their image could be captured in a photograph.
Motion seems very real, and is seen as a blur during these long exposures.
Modern photography, with fractional-second shutter speeds and minimal photons, freezes moments of space-time, and shows us exactly where everything is, so it seems we can accurately say:
motion does not exist in a single unit of space-time.
Or does it?
"Hucka-Bucka-Beanstalk!" Filmography showed that motion does exist as we see and experience it. The blur of a long exposure. The movement in a flip book of sequential photographs.
That we use motion to see motion should be a clue as to nature of motion. Photographs are "stills" and films are a "sequence" of photographs because (according to Dewey's RST) photons do not move through space-time, space-time moves and takes the set-data points that are photons with it, which we perceive as and call "the speed of light." The motion was there all the time, how we were looking at it was changing.
So, of course, the still photograph shows photons exactly where they are and the motion pictures shows the movement of the photons, the movement of space-time. Expansion. Motion is reality, and stillness is a sliver of reality.
LOL; As an easier to grasp example:
Perhaps you are sitting somewhere reading this and perceiving yourself as stationary, until you remember that the earth herself is spinning and therefore moving you steadily "through" apparent space-time (or more accurately, space-time is moving the Earth and you with her.) Then you remember that the Earth also circles around our sun, Sol Helios, which is also one of your greater movements too, because you're "on" Earth! And although Sol Helios takes 240 million of our years to make one of his circles around the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the sun is also moving and taking our whole solar system with it, including you. Plus, the Milky Way circles around the center of, and with the rest of the galactic neighborhood of the Virgo Supercluster as well, also moving you, just like the rest of expansion, even when you are seemingly stationary and reading these words.
In physics, "the fabric of reality" is "space-time," and energy physics is the expansion of physics to include consciousness. So, let us first consider that instead of the 3+1 (three dimensions of space and one dimension of time), or the 1+3 (three dimensions of time and one dimension of space), or even the 3+3 (three dimensions of time and three dimensions of space) perspectives of "space-time/time-space" as the "fabric" of reality, that space and time and consciousness are equal, three dimensional aspects of the same "fabric" of our reality. 3+3+3; 3,6,9.
For the record, I'm blatantly saying consciousness IS a part of the fabric of reality, and likewise has three dimensions in our physical experience, just like time, and just like space.
We are all pretty familiar with the three dimensions of space being height, length, and width. Now, consider time's three dimensions are the somewhat obvious present, past, and future. Add to this, the three dimensions of consciousness being those semi-familiar concepts of energy, vibration, and frequency, or in conscious-awareness terms, unified, connected, and separated. Doesn't this add up to a more complete picture of the fabric of the reality as we experience and examine and experiment with it?
As consciousness is a part of the very faric of reality, we have to say this:
In a practical sense of our human experiences, our thoughts and perspectives and beliefs about reality are like ripples in the pond of reality. It's all the same movement, but the larger movement seems still and ambiguous while the ripple we made with it is blatant, measurable, trackable, and all sorts of explainable.
(Forces of nature, photons, quarks, protons, electrons, atoms, molecules, single celled organisms, plants, animals, people, and even inventions and perspectives!)
Meditation, the act of clearing/releasing/suspending the conscious thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs on purpose, calms those ripples enough to glean genuine understanding. We must first, of course, face our own subconscious, and then when those ripples are calmed, we can see reality, and the movement of reality more clearly, in whatever language makes sense to us. We can ask specific questions and receive specific answers in new thoughts or experiences; movements of our reality.
Those basic rules of becoming ("free will, contrast, and attraction,") ARE the movement of conscious-time-space.
In practical terms, we've all felt this natural movement in the "I just want to be!" vibe. Yet, just "being" is just "being" and nothing really happens but "being." Likes attract. So, contrast exist to keep those likes moving. The contentment in "being" evolves into an urge to ...something.
So, we get something started and we get really into it and that just brings more somethings! Likes attract. So, contrast exists to keep those likes moving. We feel the need to just "be" again, and we go on vacations. ;)
This same process is reflected in physics laws because motion ( 0 - + ) IS the three dimensional conscious-time-space compound (fabric) that makes up the known cosmos AND keeps it moving.
There is a distinct conscious difference between being and being aware of being, and of being aware of others being and being aware.
There is a distinct conscious difference between then and now and when.
There is a distinct conscious difference between there and here and where.
It is through consciousness that we have time or space, and through time that we have awareness of consciousness and space, and through space that we have the time and consciousness to explore each other.
Conscious-time-space is the fabric of reality and it's movement.
Conscious ( 0 ) Time ( - ) Space ( + )
Physics, our physical, tangible understanding of our reality, had to branch into "types" or "fields" to make sense of really small and really large spaces, and really large and really small time sets, compared to the averages we as humans observe, experience and experiment with, in a large part because they exclude consciousness in their equations of perceiving space or time, or space-time. Consciousness is that apparent necessary shift between the fields of perceiving the scales of space-time, and perceiving time from space; so how can we really understand space-time without including consciousness?
If you are like me, you grew up being taught all the explanations of our observations across the space of our known universe and the span of our known time, our measurements and calculations, and that space and time shared an obvious relationship.
Meanwhile consciousness was this "other" thing, separate from the fabric of reality and just something we mysteriously experience as people doing all this being, observing, measuring, calculating and explaining.
Without consciousness to differentiate this space from that space or this time from that time, all we have is oneness. Our All-as-ONE before the Big-Bang. As soon as consciousness differentiates between a "here" and "there," we have expansion of the oneness into duality. We have the Big-Bang (singular and expansive) and eventually a perception of separation, of "space" and "time" and "consciousness."
Consciousness is that edge which separates "time" from "space," AND holds them together because they are three aspects of the same fabric of reality.
To put it bluntly, "consciousness" IS "space" which IS "time" which IS "consciousness" which is why
Thus concludes our first draft explanation of the energy physics of reality.
Reality is a three-part, three dimensional construct:
consciousness (energy, vibration, frequency a.k.a. oneness, connectedness, separateness)
time (present, past, future,) and
space (height, length, width,)
which we can most closely relate with in whole as motion, or freewill.
How do we
(as people)
use energy physics in everyday life?
We already are. lol It's physics!
The real question is:
How do we
(as people)
use energy physics in everyday life
on purpose?
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