#emotionsHUD #eHUD #HUD
Yes, our emotions are a Heads-Up Display (HUD) for helping us navigate our own experiences of "reality!" Emotions notify us, as individuals, in real time, with feeling, so we can make our best decisions with our freewill. Experience "reality" on purpose. ;)
I believe the video speaks for itself.
EMOTIONS Reality Re-Explained!
What happens is the matter movements, what is experienced is the consciousness movements, and it is important we know the difference before we can talk about our HUD being there to help us navigate through our experiences and into desired happenings.
Three drivers cross paths driving through a round-about.
The crossing of paths and driving through a round-about are happenings, space-time "fixed" events of reality that were set into motion by "previous" happenings. What is experienced is entirely dependent on the consciousness of the individual drivers involved in said happening.
The driver who hates round-abouts experienced being "cut off" by the driver who was on auto-pilot muscle-memory driving, not experiencing much at all about the round-about or crossing of paths, while the third driver experienced a delighted fun in zipping around the curves in perfect timing. (...because, for simplicity, our example drivers did not have sub-conscious beliefs at play.)
I am saying blatantly that what anyone experiences of a given happening is directly related to their own thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs about reality. I use the round-about as an example because you can test it with your family and friends. What happens is a different perspective than what is experienced, and while what happens happens, what is experienced can change even LONG after the happening has happened.
While it is inevitable that one also learns to "control" their happenings over time with the use of our emotions HUD, this page explains how to use our HUD to change our experiences whether or not we believe we had control in the happening.
Physiologically, no person or thing or happening is reaching inside anyone else's body and forcing them to produce and process the electro-chemical cocktails we feel as our emotions.
Only when we each accept our own responsibility for how we feel,
can we make practical use of our feelings.
Instead of something that controls and limits our lives, emotions become a tool for understanding our lives as we live them.
Instead of something we feel trapped in, confused by, or uncertain about, our minds become a tool for choosing our best lives.
Instead of answers that confuse or no answers at all, our minds and emotions can become tools for the asking and receiving of answers we can understand.
It is the conscious and unconscious thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs that electrically stimulate our brains and bodies to initiate energetic and physical changes in our beingness.
(we break this out next)
These electrical signals (the ones we just mentioned as thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs) turn on chemical manufacturers within our bodies, producing chemicals that carry their portions of the electrical signals to different and multiple parts of our bodies.
The processing of these electrical signals and carrier chemicals is what turns on all our physical feelings like blushing, or feeling a pit in our stomachs, or dread in our chests, or the laughter that bubbles out of us, or the love we feel radiate/beam out of us.
A HUD is a responsive/interactive data display that notifies us about stuff in real-time. The most familiar HUDs we use today are the gages in our automobiles, and the notifications bar/bubbles on our mobile-phones.
We feel our emotions in real-time, they respond to us, and they actually notify us of stuff! A classic Heads-Up Display that we feel instead of see, as we interact with and make decisions about our "reality."
If our emotions heads-up display (eHUD) were visually displayed for us, instead of being felt throughout our beingness and bodies,
we'd still have learn how to use it. ;)
We were twelve years old when I asked my twin why I was a magnet for mean people and situations I didn't want to be in, and she wasn't.
She answered me: "You feel like prey."
I had her explain, and after more experience, actually understood what she meant: I was submissive, afraid, sad, and giving away my freewill energy both willingly and unwittingly in not wanting to make anyone mad or upset, in being more willing to become hurt myself than to see or perceive anyone else hurt. I was, quite literally, experiencing and broadcasting myself as prey to anyone who wanted to use me and my freewill, and I didn't know it. My own emotions were attempting to tell me,
but I didn't know how to understand them.
If you think of your emoji-feelings like channels, where each one has its own channel just like single digit numbers, but there are also combination channels like double digit, triple digit, and so on, you can have a sense of emotions like channels of experience, and in that, by the time you are feeling them (emotions) you're just being notified what channel you're on. All the "work/actions" in getting to that channel have already been done.
We're all pretty familiar with the happy channel and the sad channel, the afraid channel and the angry channel, satisfaction and dissatisfaction channels, but what about the combination channel we experience when we get used to feeling a combination of emotions, all at the same time, long-term?
We begin to believe that is the only way to perceive reality. It becomes normal.
For this reason, I express these varying states of normal as channels of experience. Also, admittedly, as a reminder of their frequency nature. Frequency both in frequency of thought or perspective becoming a belief, a channel, and in the literal energy in the vibrational form of a specific frequency/combination of frequencies, that is that channel of experience.
Not to be confused with the Righteous Suffering Channel (with the belief that it's God's Will we suffer) or the Justified Suffering channel (with the belief that the suffering has been earned), the Suffering Channel is the channel we get into when we believe suffering is what makes us human. We become almost indifferent about it, not liking it, but having no inkling of even an iota of a thought it can change, let alone that we can change; it just is, and so we suffer.
In the Wounded Channel, we see ourselves as the suffering while others either don't notice or don't care. We think others are having life better than us while we are always getting the short end of the stick, the bad end of the deal, the worst treatment, with the worst luck, and it's always like this. We're wounded.
On Prey Channel, we just have the biggest hearts and we don't want anyone to feel badly in any way! We would rather suffer than see another suffer or even perceive that another is suffering. Only, we don't usually like the suffering, we just endure it so others don't have to, giving priorty to others over ourselves. We're prey.
I could keep going with the Predator Channel, Savior Channel, Saint Channel and so on, but I believe I've made my point. We get into states of mind that become states of being and states of experience, but they are just one channel of all there is available for us to experience in reality.
I keep saying that you change your thoughts, perspectives and beliefs to change your experience, so allow me to be clear about what I mean.
When we change the channel on our Radio, on our TV, or Streaming Service, it's still music, talk shows, TV shows, and streaming stuff available to us, just the varieties available to us from those different channels, of different services, is ...different.
Same "realities," different "offerings."
Some of it we prefer, some of it we don't.
As a sentient person, you are tuning into the most diverse and expansive broadcasting ever, life! So, when I say change your thoughts, perspectives and beliefs about reality to change your experience, I mean imagine a different way to "look at" a happening instead of trying to re-arrange the happening.
Instead of "they shouldn't have done that to me," re-arranging what already happened, we think "they were just trying to regain their power," looking at the same happening in a new way, and we can feel the difference.
Instead of "I'm right and they're wrong" we think "If that's how they want to spend their freewill" and we can feel the difference.
In this, we create new channels of experience, instead of trying to alter the old channels.
The point is, a happening is a happening and once it has happened it's happened. But, how we experience that happening can change as we change our perspective of it and beliefs about it, with our thoughts.
As we go through life thinking our thinks and having perspectives about what we percieve, and beliefs about the whole thing, we create momentum in the greater movement of our experience which leads to our future happenings.
This is expressly why someone in the depths of despair literally cannot even imagine a future for themselves which isn't also in the depths of despair or dead, and why the passionate person literally flows with energy and possibilities and futures which are just too exponential to express, AND why the two can even coexist in the same individual person.
This is what our HUD is for, why we feel emotions, so that we can navigate these channels of experience, to experience the ones we prefer, totally on purpose.
Past, Present, and Future.
Before we can really learn to use our emotions, we have to become familiar with their parts.
"Emoji-feelings" are the feelings we have names for, like happiness, anger, fear, sadness and so on. Emoji-feelings are like indicator lights in our HUD, notifying us of our own thoughts and perspectives and beliefs about reality, not reality itself, which we know is so, because our emoji-feelings change when we think, perceive, or believe differently of the same reality.
Flowing through our emoji-feelings are other feelings that are the core of our eHUD; "energy feelings." We're talking about those sensations of an emoji-feeling, or group of emoji-feelings, being felt instantly or gradually, escalating, de-escalating, or remaining even, of leaving us feeling no energy flow or limitless energy flow.
Emoji-feelings are what let us know we're feeling notifications about how we're processing our reality in the first place. Only through self-assessing these emoji-feelings and the energetic feelings flowing through them, can we understand what it is our emotions are telling us about ourselves. That's right, your emotions tell you about you, and my emotions tell me about me. (Again, we'll cover the paranormal later...)
That gradual or instant spectrum in our emoji-feelings is the part telling us whether we're feeling because of "new" or "established" thoughts / perspectives / beliefs, or a bit of both.
When we feel our emoji-feelings gradually, perhaps even with fluxuations where we're not sure what we feel, it is because we are establishing what we think and believe, and therefore what we feel. That gradual sensation, and the sensation of the fluidity of emotions, is the notification of forming perspectives.
The effortless juggle of new perspectives and set beliefs is something of a Goldie-Locks zone of mental-emotional health. Stay too long in only new ideas and we become unhinged, uncertain, and indecisive, but stay too long in only set beliefs and we become delusional, predictable, and bigoted.
It's those established beliefs that create what we call "triggers," and what gives us the false impression we feel before thinking anything, simply because the thoughts have been thought so consistently, the emotion network IS easy-button responsive, just like a trigger.
That no energy flow and limitless energy flow spectrum in our emoji-feelings is the part telling us whether our thoughts/perspectives/beliefs (new or established) are disempowering or empowering.
That sensation of no energy or low energy is our indicator of thoughts and perspectives (new or established) that are literally stopping our natural energy flow, thereby disempowering us mentally, emotionally, and physically. The feeling is just a notification of our state.
When the energy flow feels like it stops, we mentally, emotionally and physically feel less capable (and with consistency, become less capable), while in the feeling of limitless energy flow, we mentally, emotionally, and physically feel more capable (and with consistency, become more capable.)
The feeling of limitless energy flow is a notification of our thoughts and perspectives (new or established) keeping the natural flow of energy going, literally empowering us mentally, emotionally and physically. This is our natural state of being and why meditation, clearing one's thoughts, is so refreshing.
This is the sensation of our channels of experience, the combination of emoji-feels and energy-feels.
The sensations of experiences being hard, things being impossible, and life being pointless are notifications of low frequency states of being. The only reason it seems like this IS life is because it is the only way to live life In this state of being.
When we stay in the lower frequency states of being longterm, we don't progress very far very fast, but if we stay in high frequency states of being long-term, we progress so far and so fast we cease to be on this physical plane. So, the ideal is those mid-frequency channels of experience, with some wobbling into the lower and higher states to maintain perspective.
The sensation of experiences being easy and connected, things being possible and even inevitable, and life being full of wonders and meaning, are notifications of high frequency states of being.
Those feelings of intensity that are varying degrees of exhausting are the parts of our HUD that tells us about hype and false hope, about spending energy to feel energy.
Revving ourselves up is something we've learned to do when we didn't feel the energy flow naturally, or as abundantly as we wanted, and we wanted to feel the boost anyway.
"Fake it till you make it."
In short bursts, this spending of energy to feel energy works, and we feel that state of being we want and it's easier to appreciate it and therefore stay in it from there.
Only, long-term it doesn't really work. If we don't find the natural flow again, usually through appreciation or meditation or both, we just keep spending the energy to feel the boost and everything we feel is intense and only getting more intense! That intensity feeling is the indicator of our own energy being spent to feel the flow of energy that is usually natural.
Eventually, the intensity red-lines and we get burnt out. We succumb to exhaustion and helplessness. Often, the physical effects take us out and force us to calm down, to stop spending energy to feel it, to meditate or sleep or both, and in doing so, help restore the natural flow of energy so we may choose again, to rev-up or not.
Those sensations of clarity and confusion about your own feelings are your alignment indicators, telling you that you are aligned or misaligned with yourself, others, or reality.
We're not talking about good and evil, but we are talking about that feeling of being in the dark where even the questions to ask elude us. This confused nothingness is just an indicator of misalignment with everything else, which we know is so because when we realign (usually through appreciation or meditation or both), we can see the darkness we were in. From the dark, we just have to know the light is out there and choose it.
Even a little light is better than being in the dark. A misunderstanding can bring you to understanding, as example. We live most of our lives in shades of grey, not always knowing what questions to ask and not always having answers for those questions we do ask. These are symptom of our partial alignments, just letting us know through sensation, that we're not totally in the light.
Feeling in the light is like living a fiber-optic life; fiber optics exist because light transmits data, so that feeling of everything being available to you and your freewill whims, including what questions to ask and the answers for them, is an indicator of being in alignment with yourself, others, and reality. This is our natural state, and why meditation (the clearing of ones thoughts) helps us regain it from darker states.
All of these sensations bring us to six basic heads-ups that help us identify exactly why we feel the way we feel in any given moment, of any day, past, present, and future.
You are feeling emotions, therefore you are alive and in a body with an eHUD, yay!
Gradual feelings, forming feelings indicate new thoughts/perspectives/beliefs.
Easy-button, instant feelings indicate established thoughts/perspectives/beliefs.
Escalating feelings (technically de-escalating feelings too), indicate that we're thinking the same thought on repeat, or following similar thoughts. If we are consistent enough in this, we create number 3's, triggers.
Those bad feelings, the ones we don't prefer, are just indicating to us our state of mind, our channel of experience, our current frequency of being. This feeling reminds us it is our own thoughts, perspectives and beliefs which are disempowering us.
It may become normal to feel bad, but as soon as we feel good we also feel more ourselves, and that is not a coincidence. That good feeling is indicating that our thoughts and perspectives and beliefs are empowering us.
Basically, as individuals, we navigate our experience of reality on purpose by assessing how we feel about it, and keeping or changing our thoughts, perspectives or beliefs. When we hold on to our established thoughts, perspectives and beliefs about reality, we experience them again and again in variety. When we change our mind and think, perceive or believe something new about the same reality, we experience something new of the same reality. That is the basis of having a HUD, of experiencing happenings with not just thought but feelings, our feelings help us fine-tune the next experiences, assuming of course we know how to use them.
In this, our greatest challenge has been the balance between self and other-self, "others," both in how we perceive self and others, as well as how we perceive others perceive self and others. So, our emotions HUD has evolved to include an internal compass that indicates when we're living our best lives and when we are taking detours, and why.
When we spend too much time thinking only about what we have, our own experiences, and our own thoughts, we go on a detour into self. If we stay on the self detour we may one day discover we think our way of perceiving and experiencing reality is the only way, and worse, we may become intolerant and bigoted when it comes to others.
Likewise, when we spend too much time thinking about what others have (or don't have,) experience, and think, and we go on a detour into others. If we keep doing it, we may discover one day we are living our lives by the dictation of others, or even our perception of how others will perceive us.
We're meant to take detours from time to time, to see things as we've not seen them before (or in a while), we just get into "trouble" with ourselves and each other when we stay in them like they are the only way of experiencing reality.
Believe the best of self to get the best of self.
Believe the best of others to get the best of others.
We cannot really talk about detouring into self or other selves without also (at least) mentioning Power Dramas*. A Power Drama is not a paranormal happening, but the everyday socially accepted happening of folks having power over other folks, and those other folks willingly or unwittingly giving it to them, with or without a physical or emotional fight.
*a phrase humbly used after learning it from a book,"The Celestine Prophecy" by James Redfield so, we credit Mr. Redfield for the phrase and educational entertainment that gave us a clearer example of this kind of energy interaction.
For simplicity, let us use the "Right and Wrong" power drama as an example to relate to what we're talking about here. We have never met a person who hasn't intentionally or unwittingly ended up in a "Right and Wrong" power drama, where one party is "right" and the other party is "wrong," sometimes, even against their better judgement.
Let's pretend we didn't know the "right" or "wrong" aspect of the power drama to identify it as a power drama; how could we tell?
Our HUDs, of course!
Power Dramas come in several forms, and we suggest (without being paid for it in any way) reading Redfield's book if you want his descriptions, for he really did a great job with fun, relatable examples during an enlightening fictional adventure.
In emotions HUD terms, the power drama is identified by an interaction between two or more people teetering into empowered and disempowered states-of-mind, and the only way to identify it is to be aware of one's own HUD and the HUD display (the expressions, body language, and energy / vibe) of the other party. So long as both/all parties remain empowered, you're just having a conversation or interaction, no matter how passionate it gets into the emoji spectrum.
It is easy, therefor, to want to put the responsibility on the empowered to re-empower the disempowered, but that is yet another power drama one gets stuck in. What if the disempowered consciously or subconsciously come to believe they can only become empowered by the "already" empowered?
When disempowerment happens between interacting parties, regardless of why or how, the only one who can make the re-empowerment last is the person/s who felt disempowered in the first place.
Disempowerment can only happen by our own FreeWill, even and specially when we feel like it was by no choice of our own that we were disempowered, as the FreeWill energy shift/gift was indeed given away by that sub/conscious choice to believe there was no choice.
Therefore, even if that someone else didn't really mean to "take my energy," to feel empowered while I feel disempowered, and they gave it back to me with new interactive intent... that dis-empowering belief is still there, leaking FreeWill for anyone to take advantage of, or misunderstand, and the cycle will repeat. The disempowered must identify their own disempowering belief and rewire it by re-writing it (re-thinking it)
and re-experiencing life in the new way.
When one re-directs their attention from who or what-happening caused the experience of disempowerment to what belief or perspective caused the disempowerment, we instantly regain power to explore the question long enough to understand the answer. If it doesn't come to you right away, let it go, let yourself forget about it with a knowing you're seeking the answer, your seeking will call forth another thought or experience to help you along.
Ask questions!
Not all disempowerment presents as the obvious depression or despair. Some disempowerment presents as empowerment, but from a place of disempowerment; rage, resentment, and manipulation, etc. as examples.
So, if you feel personally empowered and you want to help folks who seem disempowered, we recommend: ask questions! Preferably, from your empowered, peaceful-loving (zen) and wanting-to-help state-of-mind and channel of experience, ask whatever comes to mind.
It is important that you also trust this person to discover their needed truth! Your trust in them will help to give them directed-FreeWill-energy, empowerment, to hear your question with the earnest intent and actually consider it, and therefore the answer.
Not everyone is ready to confront their own disempowering beliefs, or how they are interacting with others in power dramas to compensate. It's okay to walk away with the question planted as a seed they needed.
If they are ready, your question/s will start genuine conversation that leads to greater understandings, usually for both/all parties.
We have each other. We can "check" each other and "be" there for one another.
You are feeling the way you feel because of what you are thinking, believing, or perceiving about reality.
I am feeling the way I feel because of what I am thinking, believing, or perceiving about reality.
All either of us has to do to prove it to ourselves is think, perceive, or believe something new about one thing, and we can experience having a HUD notification (an emotion) on purpose.
That function is notification of self and about self to self and others (you know, because we express and radiate our emotions too,
we don't just feel them ;) )
1. I WANT to repeat this!
2. I do NOT want to repeat this!
3. I do NOT know what I want...
The key is always re-directing one's focus TOWARD what is WANTED.
As easily as we unconsciously tuned into what we don't want, we can consciously tune into what we do want.
As an expression of infinite creation, knowing ultimately anything is possible, what do you choose?
The first step to actively using your eHUD is to just keep living life as you were, feeling stuff along the way.
1. What emoji-feels?
2. Instant, or gradual?
3. feel good or feel bad?
4. powerful or powerless?
5. calm or intense?
1. Do you want to be feeling intensely or calmly?
2. Do you want to be feeling powerful or powerless?
3. Are these thoughts/perspectives/beliefs empowering or disempowering? Which would you prefer?
4. Are these thoughts/perspectives/beliefs established or new?
Do you want to keep or change them?
5. What specifics do those emoji-feels tell you about your thoughts/perspectives/beliefs about "this" aspect of "reality?"
And again, what would be your preference?
If ever you find you don't know, let it go, let yourself "forget" about it, and those thoughts or experiences will enter your life to help you decide.
Once you have decided, why would you spend your freewill on anything else?
Every thought, every perspective and every belief is a decision. We live our best lives when we think/percieve/believe the best of ourselves and others. We get lost when we get stuck in detours so long we begin to believe that the detour IS life, and we forget there ever was another way to live or perceive life.
Sometimes, the best choice is to make no choice,
to clear your mind entirely.
From this place of not thinking, new thoughts have a chance to surface.
From this place of withholding judgement about reality, new experiences have a chance to amaze us, including our detours!
Your emotions are only ever notifying you
of your own thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs about reality.
My emotions are only ever notifying me
of my own thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs about reality.
Our emotions give us the opportunity to understand
ourselves and each other, as we co-exist in a shared reality.
Reality Re-Explained!
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