Some dreams want to be shared and we're lucky enough to live in a time when the media and mentality exists to share them. This is a collection of dreams dreamt by one of the twins, RA or ME, as noted in the descriptions below. We like to think that if you found this page, you were meant to see one or more of these drea
In this dream, the "RED SHIRT" represents an outward garment of our beingness, of our beliefs and the way we behave. The RED SHIRT design progresses throughout the dream as each growing child altered the RED SHIRT given to them by their parents/guardians, and then grows up to have a child who alters the altered RED SHIRT given to them.The eventual "spaghetti rainbow RED SHIRT" gives hint to the progressive effort to be more and more inclusive across the world and throughout time. This culminates in one kid framing the RED SHIRT for inspiration and creating something entirely new that adapts with the wearer, and therefore creates harmony that celebrates unique differences being the palette giving us or variety of choice and experience in this existence we already live in together. We are pioneers of experience and we lead the way by example. People.Everywhere.Affecting.Consciousness.Everywhen.
(INSTRRUMENTAL version, with no words, as it was actually dreamed by M.E.)
In this dream, the "RED SHIRT" represents an outward garment of our beingness, of our beliefs and the way we behave. The RED SHIRT design progresses throughout the dream as each growing child altered the RED SHIRT given to them by their parents/guardians, and then grows up to have a child who alters the altered RED SHIRT given to them.The eventual "spaghetti rainbow RED SHIRT" gives hint to the progressive effort to be more and more inclusive across the world and throughout time. This culminates in one kid framing the RED SHIRT for inspiration and creating something entirely new that adapts with the wearer, and therefore creates harmony that celebrates unique differences being the palette giving us or variety of choice and experience in this existence we already live in together. We are pioneers of experience and we lead the way by example. People.Everywhere.Affecting.Consciousness.Everywhen.
(NARRATED version, with the story laid out,
as it was experienced in dream by M.E.)
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