LOOKPASTIT.COM'S main goal is to empower humanity to empower ourselves to co-exist,
to grow in harmony with ourselves, each other, all life on our shared planet, and beyond.
What began as a Fine Art website has evolved, as of 2019, into a full-blown mission for World Peace. Although our World Peace prerogative was originally realized during the 2011 Peoples Convention of Florida hosted by Occupy Orlando and attended by other Occupy groups from across the U.S. and the world, the experience also made it obvious to us Twins, that re-writing and creating new laws wasn't the surest path to World Peace. Indeed, even discussing laws made it clear that laws themselves immediately cause a divide between those who agree and those who don't, never mind the nuances of interpretation.
So, the question became:
What is the surest path to World Peace,
which doesn't rely on laws, obedience, or unanimous agreement?
The answer is:
Collective personal peace is the surest path to World Peace.
So, LOOKPASTIT.COM continues to exist in its evolved form,
in order to be a hub of information and resources for all who seek world peace.
We know personal peace, collectively, is the surest path to world peace but, when talking about such diversity, as there is of people on Earth, one must ask:
IS there a singular focus that any-and-all individuals can focus upon, regardless of who they are, or how old, or how they grew up, where they grew up, where they are now, or what their orientation or beliefs are, which will help them achieve their own personal peace?
Our thoughts!
But how do we know what substance our thoughts are having in our life, how do we know what to focus on when it comes to our own thoughts?
Our emotions!
Every time we think, perceive, or believe something about life, we feel something about it.
Once we started looking at our emotions as a Heads-Up Display (HUD) that we feel instead of see (except in other people as they express themselves and their emotions), we gained specific answers. As our bodies are our bio-electro-chemical-vehicles of experience in life, so are our emotions the gauges keeping us notified in real-time of our progress. And just as our automobile gauges indicate problems before they become physical break-downs, so do our emotions give us indications before our bodies and lives physically breakdown.
Therefore, we are developing an Emotions HUD Translator (conceptually a SmartWatch or App) to assist individuals in learning their emotions as a Heads-Up Display for navigating experiences on purpose; we believe that with emotions clarifying our decisions, rather than confusing them, we can make peaceful progress on all of our existing problems and conflicts personally, socially, communally, and globally.
Even with an emotion HUD translator, folks still need to learn how to use it. So, we've been building (in Second Life) a free-form roleplaying game (RPG) network that coincides with the scripts we're writing for a Stargate-GenreMash fan-fiction webisode series called "Gate Nexus" which will air for FREE on YouTube. We aim to use these watching and playing forms of entertainment to give individuals the experience of navigating life with tools already in their arsenal (emotions, conscious decisions, and focus of thought,) without actually being in real-life situations during the initial learning curve.
See, most of us are already making decisions based on our experiences, we're just not doing it consciously, on purpose, and with full understanding of what our emotions are telling us about our experiences.
The show provides diverse characters experiencing diverse situations, and using their HUDs to navigate decision-making as examples viewers can learn/experience vicariously through, from the comfort of wherever they are, while the game provides a platform for folks to actively practice using their own HUDs while exploring show-plots further, from within the RPG.
In this way, people can become familiar with using their emotions as a HUD before actually using their emotions as their HUD for navigating their own, real-life experiences, on purpose.
Long-term, we plan to build Privately Operated Public Rest Stops (POPRS) that are fully self-sustaining centers of culture, peace, and social innovation.
This begins from the land up by integrating self-sustaining permaculture, earth-ship architecture, and energy-efficient technology for every center location so that each POPRS has a positive environmental impact on the communities in which they are built, right from the start.
Likewise, each POPRS will be designed and set-up with a core sustainable business model, based on the needs of the community in which it is built, with all the profits going back into the POPRS center and the community in which it is built. This way, each POPRS also sustains or improves local economies.
Besides food and water, rest is the one thing we all need in common. Therefore, around each POPRS core business and permaculture landscaping, we're designing cultural learn/teach experiences through different forms of rest; from walking, biking, canoeing or kayaking trails to sensory deprivation chambers, from bunkhouses and tiny houses to tent spaces and RV lots, from food gardens and flower gardens to sand gardens and stone gardens, from fire pits and compost pits to mud pits and fun pits, from public kitchens and public parks to public spas and public performance spaces, POPRS is meant to be that safe, real-life place for anyone to hit reset.
In building a network of POPRS, we aim to unite communities in order to unite our larger societies, which will naturally lead us to our peaceful global civilization.
People. Everywhere. Affecting. Consciousness. Everywhen.
We know that individual peace of mind, collectively, is the surest path to world peace, and we also know that it is a conscious choice that cannot be forced upon anyone. Therefore, only those seeking peace are required to tip the balance and shift our social consciousness toward the peaceful state of mind, and as outlined above, we have a solid plan for assisting those folks and the communities in which they are a part.
This website is just the first step, sharing what we know and what we plan to do with the knowledge. World Peace is not just possible, it is inevitable!
The question is:
What part do you want to play?
Please reach us at lookpastit@gmail.com if you want to assist, or if you have questions or comments.
This site has operated as a "sole proprietorship" in the U.S. since 1998: first, as "The Gallery of Broken Dreams" and then "Imperterritus" (English Translation: Dauntless), followed by MEOAG (Mandy Elliott's Online Art Gallery), before finally, since 2010 (I had to look it up), lookpastit.com
In 2019, lookpastit.com began a World Peace tour across North America, lost but determined to discover answers to the "how" we attain world peace. In early 2021, at the southern edge of the Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA, we got those answers and have been working to clarify them in-the-sharing ever since.
With our efforts and money going into this mission anyway, now (summer of 2023), we're working on aligning lookpastit.com's legal status with our mission as a non-profit organization (NPO) so that all of our proceeds may be legally re-invested into our world peace mission with maximum yields. The better the NPO does, the more individuals and communities we can assist in self-empowerment and social innovation toward peaceful co-existence with ourselves, each other, the world, and beyond.
Founded by the Artist "M.E." (Mandy B. Elliott,) at first just to have an outlet, and then to share tools of self-empowerment and peace to any and all who are seeking, lookpastit.com wouldn't be what it is today without ALOT of other people. Special thanks to all of them! (soon, a page dedicated to such gratitude for our spheres of influence.)
Empowering humanity to empower ourselves to co-exist, to grow in harmony with ourselves, each other, all life on our shared planet, and beyond.
To Achieve World Peace through Individual Peace, collectively, within the life-time of the founder.
Integrity. Generosity. Innovation.
Integrity, we believe, is a balance of honesty with self and others, of keeping ones word to self and others, of doing right by self and others, and choosing this balance in every moment of every day as best we can, while forgiving ourselves and others when we wobble because wobbling is a great source of learning/teaching about ourselves and each other.
Where charity requires a lack to fill, generosity shares just because, and it for this distinct conscious difference that we choose generosity over charity every time. Generosity promotes the genuine giving in love and sharing, and it doesn't require any specific reasons nor results, which means (unlike charity) it has no social strings attached.
To us, innovation isn't new for the sake of newness, but the art of maximizing experiences with every new now. Therefore, our innovations begin within the individual's mind, collectively, and expand outward. Basically, real "mind over matter" application through conscious awareness and focus. This means our work is never done, and we're happy to keep innovating.
Tellurian Hands
LOOKPASTIT.COM's number one policy is to maintain and achieve our mission, purpose, values, and goals. Our plan, products, services, programs and community impact may vary to accommodate "real-time" situations.
LOOKPASTIT.COM's number two policy is to accomplish our number one policy within the outlines of the United States of America's constitutional laws, the constitutional laws of the U.S.A.'s individual States and Territories, followed by the laws of other Nations and Territories in which we are of service.
LOOKPASTIT.COM's third policy is to keep the public updated on any changes significant enough to change the meaning of these policies, by posting it clear and concise in this section of this page:
1. Indemnification was updated to define our terms; NOV. 16, 2023
There is no direct comparison with lookpastit.com's vision.
Therefore, we've compiled data on the markets we will be utilizing to expand our reach, in order to show that we are reaching for those already seeking. (LINK: soon)
Self Improvement + Educational Entertainment = a fun way to learn self-empowerment at any age. That its why we are marketing to all demographics in two industries, in multiple mediums including but not limited to stickers, posters, screen backgrounds, books, videos, and games.
Current Campagns (LINK: Soon)
Copyright © 1998-2025 M.E. & lookpastit.com - All Rights Reserved.