And only those who are seeking peace are required.
An acceptance of self without condition or change.
An acceptance of others without condition or change.
An acceptance of reality without condition or change.
From the eternal state of mind, anything is possible.
Every aspect of your life has its place and time, and you no longer feel shame or guilt or regret for your past, nor worry for your future, unknown though it may be to you now.
Every aspect of others' lives has its place and time, and you no longer feel any need to change them, even and especially when you feel change is not just possible, but preferred.
Every aspect of reality has its place and time, and you no longer feel the urge to make a mark, for you are understanding that your existence alone is already making the most important mark of all.
A peaceful state of mind is physiologically a more capable mind, both consciously and unconsciously. In a peaceful state of mind, freewill energy is spent most efficiently, leading to an easier life that is more fun, consequently.
We, as individuals, choose more decisively.
From the conscious state of mind that is at peace with self, others, and reality, questions may be more clearly asked and answers more clearly received in thought or experience. From the peaceful mindset, we see anything is possible and we choose without regret.
For folks who learn best by physically doing things, we recommend Shaolin.Online and ShiHengYi.Online for discovering and maintaining your personal peace.
(We were not paid for these recommendation in any way.)
We have a recommended reading list for folks who prefer to come to your own conclusions for discovering and maintaining your personal peace.
(We were not paid for these recommendations in any way.)
For those who are guided by their emotions, we recommend Abraham Hicks Magic and Abraham-Hicks for discovering and maintaining your personal peace.
(We were not paid for these recommendations in any way.)
Once one attains personal peace, it must be chosen consistently, continuously, in every moment of every day, and the more consistently one chooses peace, the easier peace is to choose.
We want to help the groups that already exist, find each other and be found by new interested parties.
(We have not been paid, in any way, for listing any of these links.)
These folks are working on projects that look at the global and cosmic picture.
(and more,
which we may add to this list in the future!)
These folks are working on projects that are relevant right now.
The Institute for Economics and Peace
Women's Federation for World Peace. International
(+ mor
These folks are working on projects that are relevant right now.
The Institute for Economics and Peace
Women's Federation for World Peace. International
(+ more,
which we may add to this list in the future!)
These folks are keeping the idea alive and in the hearts of nations.
The Federation of World Peace and Love
May Peace Prevail on Earth International
(and more,
which we may add to this list in the future!)
Please reach us at lookpastit@gmail.com if you cannot find an answer to your question.
At lookpastit.com, we do our best not to should on other people. It's your freewill, and those of us who do care and are doing something, don't really need you if you don't think you should care or act. Carry on, if that's the case, and we will too!
However, if you were disappointed by that answer, and you feel an inkling of a calling, than what you're really asking is, for someone else to affirm and assure you that you're on your right path, even if you don't know what you're doing. Asking the question is the right step.
Answering the question for yourself is another right step. ;)
The starting point for world peace is in the only place any one individual has control, their own self. Before looking outward for what of the world to change or fix to achieve world peace, one must ensure a life of peace in their own personal experiences.
We cannot tell you a list of do this, abc, xyz, and you will have peace, because peace is a constant choice and you will never stop choosing it in every moment of every day you live, and those choices will vary.
If you are unsure how to choose peace, we recommend spending time in our "Reality Re-Explained!" "Emotions HUD" and "The Good News" pages to familiarize yourself with perceiving "reality" in a way that allows you genuine control of your own experiences.
From such a place of understanding, you will know how, for your own experiences, to choose peace in every moment of every day you live.
You are not alone! In fact, none of us was meant to journey alone, or else we would have been born alone and lived in an environment of isolation. We weren't and we don't.
If you feel like you need help, there IS someone out there who WANTS to help and who CAN help, but only ever as far and as much as you allow. Freewill.
(NOTE: This includes when you use your freewill to believe no one can help you... it is your freewill... you will experience no one being able to help you.)
So, embrace our co-existance and trust our underlying interconnectivity, the right person will enter your experience and know all the right things to say to help you make those connections in your own mind. ;)
In the mean-time, do the best you can and enjoy as much of life as you can, for it puts your conscious-being in a place of receiving.
You'll know because you won't have to ask that question anymore.
You will live an easier life with contrast and variety.
You will know conflict only enters your life because you can help it resolve peacefully, and/or you may have new insights along the way.
You will be able to ask yourself and the whole of "reality" questions and receive specific answers in thought or experience.
You will understand that seeing situations only and absolutely one way, is a symptom of only looking at it one way, even from different angles.
You will find anger, sadness, guilt, shame, and fear are rarely felt anymore, and from such a place, you will more easily forgive those who are living in anger, sadness, guilt, shame, or fear.
They will take care of themselves. If you are living in your own personal peace, every experience you have only helps you in that goal.
When you truly understand the energy physics of our "reality," of interacting with each other in this coexistence we call "life," your will understand how "the world got like this," and that if you want a hand in how it changes, you have to spend less of your freewill on that which is not what you actually want in your experience, and spend more of your freewill on that which you do want in your experience.
At which point, those who don't want peace will only have each other...
So, again, it is our job, as individuals, to only maintain ourselves and our own peace, as from that state of mind we will know exactly what to do and how to do it, what to say and how to say it, when and if the moment arises (by our own freewill allowing) that we do or say anything at all.
We humbly refer you to our lists here.
These stories have been around for over a thousand of our earth measured years. We were not paid for these recommendations in any way. List is in progress...
These stories have been around for over a hundred years. We were not paid for these recommendations in any way. List is in progress...
These stories have just started within the last hundred years. We were not paid for these recommendations in any way. List is in progress...
by James Redfield
by Lois Lowry
“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.” ― Jimi Hendrix
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