Gate Nexus is a Stargate Franchise and other sci-fi genre mash (all of them, really) Fan-Fiction webisode series and role-playing game hosted on YouTube and SecondLife by for the purpose of having fun teaching and learning energy physics and using our emotions as a HUD for navigating reality.
Our FAN-FICTION webisode series will be following a new (digital) Gate Nexus (GN) team on their adventures into a whole new universe, a nexus-verse that converges many familiar and unfamiliar cultures, technologies, ideas and realities in one strange place with a powerful purpose.
Will you be ready when we're ready?
We'll be using this webisode series to continue the human-adventure-through-the-Stargate story (with soft-disclosures), but also to feed clues to our in-world (Second Life) COMMUNITY RPG (Role-Playing Game), where the webisode GN-team becomes NPCs (Non-played characters), the show becomes IC (in character) mission reports, and our players get to help tell the story that becomes later episodes.
Yes, we'll even have opportunities for folks to have their characters become a part of the show!
Please reach us via e-mail at or via notecard in-world (in Second Life) to NejraTu or RemmyHun if you cannot find an answer to your question here.
I will sum it up for you as a generational sci-fi and soft-disclosure franchise that started with the original film Stargate in 1994, was followed by the Showtime TV series (that later moved to Sci-fi channel before it became the SyFy channel) Stargate SG-1 from 1997-2007, which spawned two spin-offs, one (Stargate Atlantis from 2004-2009) more popular than the other (Stargate Universe from 2009-2011), and two full length films in 2008, Stargate Ark of Truth and Stargate Continuum, that had fans (like us) begging for MORE, but who were largely disappointed with the prequel MGM streaming mini series Stargate Origins in 2018.
All of the Stargate series follow various SG-teams through wormholes they "dial" into/create, using the re-appropriated ancient tech called a "Stargate," traveling to other distant worlds. One of the most alluring things about the film, subsequent TV shows, and following films, is the play on our real science, history, lore, and mythologies, while tying in the "science-fiction" soft-disclosure in such a way as to make it fun, exciting and (questionably) believable.
In the fourth season of the TV series SG-1 (episode 19 "Prodigy",) the real General Michael E. Ryan appears as himself; what fun!Just a few years later, U.S. Air Force Chief of Staff General John P. Jumper plays himself in SG-1 (season 7 episode 22) "Lost City: Part 2", almost making it seem like a new tradition.
These guest appearances were just icing on the realism-in-our-fantasy-cake, which had a core in all the very real military technical advisors and real military personnel playing extras throughout the series. Though heavily favoring good vs. evil antics through the aliens and tech wars, the series is also full of triumphing over adversity by never giving up, never leaving one another behind, and never letting go of that dream for a better, more unified co-existing (not to be confused with utopian) global society. . . and there are always exceptions.
Fan Compiled Stargate 101 Video:
Official MGM Stargate Command looknbehind the scenes with star Amanda Tapping (who played [rank varied through the seasons] Samantha Carter of the U.S. Air Force and Stargate Command)
and star Richard Dean Anderson (who played [rank varied through the season] Jack O'Neill of the U.S. Air Force and Stargate Command) sums up our feelings pretty well, without too many major plot spoilers.
Aaaand... if you have about 1 hour, here is a well done "Definitive History of the Franchise" of Stargate, including those insistent references to books before the film in 1994!
Warning: Major Plot and Story Arc Spoilers in this film after the first 20 minutes!
Our Favorite Video Parody Example:
The video is an excerpt from SG-1's 100th episode, BTW!
I will sum it up for you as the use of entertainment industries to both disclose blatantly and subliminally otherwise undisclosed and highly classified materials, and to field the public's general and specific reactions to said disclosures. Soft-disclosure may also serve as a misdirection that allows for plausible deniability which has been vital in maintaining secrecy. As real disclosure occurs, these soft-disclosures will become more apparent and thus their name more apparent as well.
Video soon:
I will sum it up for you... If you have seen the WarnerBro's film "Ready Player One" than you will better understand what Second Life is as a 3D avatar-based chat/life/roleplay experience, though I feel it important to note that Second Life is not yet as advanced as the virtual reality shown in the film.
Second Life is also a very real commerce market where real (texture and 3D model and scripting) artisans can and go make real money through the sales of their virtual creations both in world (where they make all the monies) and in the Second Life Marketplace (where Second Life takes a cut for the listing maintenance.)
M.E. wrote:
I like the marketplace personally, for it's search-ability.In world shopping can be more daunting than going to the mall, if it's just one specific thing you want to find, and the mall were near human perception of infinite.
In this virtual world, prims are the atoms that build everything. Entire worlds are built in virtual platforms called sims. Sims are either a part of the virtual "mainland" (think Pangea) or they are virtual free floating islands and continents. (Yes, all land is paid for with real money that is used to buy the in-world money to pay the in-world prices.)
Unlike Earth, the virtual world of Second Life is not (yet?) a globe, but rather an expansively flat surface that is an endless ocean in it's default mode. Thousands upon thousands of user-created worlds exists, portraying everything from our very familiar modern societies, to fan-fiction landscapes and even independently imagined worlds in every genre known and made-up.
Like Earth, the virtual world of Second Life is made up of a anyone-including-kids friendly "General" category of sims and products, a more PG-13 bordering on Rated R "Moderate" category of sims and products, as well as the sometimes scandalous seeming and very adult rated "Adult" category of sims and products to make it easier for consenting adults and monitored children to all play in safe environments that suit their needs on the platform, without overlapping even accidentally. The one thing the virtual world can do that our real world doesn't, scripting can enforce laws much better than our written words and expectations with a side of law enforcement policing.
.E. wrote:
All of that said, the context of Second Life to "Gate Nexus" fan-fiction series is that this is where we're building our sets, creating avatar characters, and even (eventually) opening up on-sim role-play. At some point, our forum will list links and landmarks (like GPS for the virtual world) of all the products used and seen in our Machinema filming.
Our Tutorial Playlist for Second Life Beginners soon too be re-filmed and moved to a new parent channel.
I will sum it up for you as the use of a video game, or other virtual world to create cinematic short and full length films and serial shows. It is more than recording or sharing of a screen, and often includes imaginative transitions, depth of field, and lighting. In effect, it is the making of a movie, TV show, or short film with a 3D virtual world as your setting, your main characters, extras, everything!
So, you're interested to know more about the steps we've taken to ensure our fan-fiction, Gate Nexus, doesn't infringe on any copyright laws. We want to be clear about this too, in plain speak, because we really don't want to step on any proverbial toes, we just want to keep exploring the possibilities and culture of soft-disclosure in this setting.
With that in mind, if you believe we've flubbed and crossed an implied line or actual law, please reach out to and let us know immediately!
Without further ado:, in plain speak wrote:
BOTTOM LINE: Gate Nexus (GN) is a fan-fiction because it's based on copyrighted materials, but it's legal because it expands on the copyrighted material with all new original material and new perspectives of the copyrighted material, rather than regurgitating the copyrighted material.
“” is an independently-owned and operated arts, education, and entertainment, Think Tank site, and is not affiliated with StudioCanal, MGM, nor any of the channels that the original trademarked materials were broadcast upon. No infringement of copyright is intended! As such, IF infringement is suspected, we formally and publicly request the opportunity to make reasonable adjustments without ceasing our Gate Nexus project.
We formally and publicly acknowledge that "Stargate," "Stargate SG-1," "Stargate Atlantis," "Stargate Universe", "Stargate Ark of Truth", "Stargate Continuum", and "Stargate Origins", the characters, places, plot-lines, etc., from the films, television, and webisode series are STILL copyrighted trademarks of StudioCanal (Original Film), and MGM (the rest of the Stargate Franchise) {I'm not asking why SGO didn't make MGM's franchise page, I just linked you to where you can watch it on YouTube} which is now owned by Amazon.
These FREE webisode/episodes are not meant to, in anyway, shape, or form, infringe on the Copyrights of the Trademarks set forth by StudioCanal and MGM and Amazon. Our FREE webisodes, available on our Gate Nexus YouTube channel, are for entertainment and informational purposes only, not for profit!
Likewise, we formally and publicly clarify that any and all subscriptions (Donor Patron Subscriptions to on Patreon ) are NOT in profit for our Gate Nexus webisodes, which knowingly references and expands upon the copyrighted original material. We ensure this because (a) all of our Gate Nexus fan-fiction webisodes are free on YouTube and, (b) all Patreon subscription income is being classified as non-tax-deductible donation income, for which we pay income-taxes, but for which the would-be "profits" go right back into enhancing the still free content and (c) because our Patron Tier benefits are being rewarded with personal behind-the-scenes content, and private community interactions with us and other Patron-fans, not the fan-fiction work itself.
In this, we are making the line very clear, and very public, between our FREE webisode content (which includes but isn't limited to our Fan-Fiction, Gate Nexus, ) and Patreon donations and benefits.
Again, questions or concerns should go through e-mail!
We reserve the right to update this page at any time, but in the interest of full disclosure, will post any update reasons and details below this line:
2023 APRIL 11 18:53 Eastern US Time: edited to change "Stargate Nexus" to "Gate Nexus" in recognition of all other sci-fi genres we are mashing with.
2022 FEB 24 07:20 Eastern US time: edited to add a "bottom line" simpler verbiage to our Legal Fan-Fiction disclosure section, on RA's recommendation." -ME
1) We begin on an obvious Ancients-tech base that is clearly similar to Atlantis, with striking fundamental differences that make it obvious it's not Atlantis, and was never mentioned in the franchise because we made it up. Its history, reason for being, role it will play in the GN series, discoveries, etc., we made it all up.
2) We begin with characters never mentioned in the franchise, because we made them up too, both in honor of the traditional SG-team "loose 4stars+supporting(stars) format" and in our own twist that aims at open full-representation.
3) We reference franchise events and characters in the episodes as "I heard..." so that even our characters have plausible deniability that they are in any way associated with THAT Stargate program (franchise.) This also just amuses us greatly in the experience of their grand-plot line and reality we're playing in.
4) Although we are using familiar tech references such as (but not limited to) the DHD (dial home device,) we've invented new ways to use it, and new problems to have as such, exploring these instead of Franchise-established story-arcs even in the tech.
5) Likewise, we make references to known Franchise-established cultures, and while we keep with Franchise established lore for all of them, we are immediately deviating into a new perspective of all of them, revealed through out the show. In part, this is also our tie-in with soft-disclosures about consciousness, energy, frequency, and vibration. (Which is some Reality Re-Explained! stuff.)
6) We are absolutely offering possible endings for some of the Franchise's loose-ends, but we are doing so in a manner that is distinctly only a possible reality, though also pointedly not necessarily an alternate reality.
Of course, we always hold out hope one day the idea could become a part of the official Franchise,
but we're writing it so that it stands alone as a legal fan-fiction too.
Production by .....'s Reality Re-Explained!
Showing & Availability .................................. YouTube
Sets, Props & Costumes & RPG .................... Second Life & Independent Creators of SL Stuff (link soon)
Screen Capture Filming ............................... Gyazo & RecordIt
Photo Editing Softwares ............................... PhotoImpactPro 10 & Gimp
Movie Editing Software ................................ iMovie
Time-Lines & Story Boards & Shot Lists ...... MindNode & Google Sheets
We have not been paid nor compensated for posting these links. We do so because of our love of sharing and disclosure.
Copyright © 1998-2025 M.E. & - All Rights Reserved.