If light and dark were two sides of the same coin,
than shadow is the ridge in between-
both holding the two sides together
and perpetually apart as far as the eye can see...
If you lay the coin down light-side-up,
darkness hides underneath,
and if the coin is dark-side-up,
than it is light that goes unseen-
but the shadow ridge remains forever between...
And what of the inside where light, dark, and shadow meet?
Where they are indistinguishably the same thing...
Outwardly observed differently...?
Now, your mind is ready to receive such a thought on all of reality, and to be consciously aware of it!
So, you're already at least familiar in concept with:
As this page expands on all of that knowledge without pausing to re-explain it.
There is more than one way of perceiving reality.
We already accept this with our optimists, pessimists, realists and every other self-identifier we socially self-segregate by, but let's begin this paranormal, this E.S.P., this psychic perspective by talking about perceiving reality through our separateness, our interconnectedness, and/or our oneness.
We are most at home in the sensory reality (a term I humbly use, having learned it from Lawrence LeShan,) the reality of separateness, of sight, sound, taste, feel, smell and space-time.
The sensory reality is organized by something's individuality being its most important characteristic.
I identify myself, as example, first as my self; I am not any other person, I am me.
In the paranormal reality, the reality of connectedness, that of conscious-time-space, it is connections between individualities which become the most important characteristic of a thing.
As example, to understand my individual identity, me, we look at my humanness, my family, social network, culture, and personal history/"track-record," as it is the relationship between things which give any one thing its meaning, including self.
In the psychic reality, the oneness reality, there is no separation or relationship, only oneness, only being.
In the psychic reality you are me, we are reality, the eternal now, experience and experiencer, question and answer.
These ways of perceiving reality are the fundamental differences between psychics and non-psychics, between the normal and paranormal, between a mentalist and a telepath/empath.
Basically Mind to Mind communication, be it words, images, feelings, notions or otherwise, telepathy is the moving/experiencing of information from one independent consciousness directly to another.
Psychic empathy is not to be confused with emotional empathy. Emotional empathy is the sharing of feelings due to shared happenings and/or perspectives (i.e. #metoo and #blacklivesmatter ) whereas psychic empathy is the sharing-experiencing of feelings directly, no happening or perspective required.
Direct communication between inanimate objects and the sentient consciousness of a person, psychometry uses physical contact with an object to call forth/express information directly to the mind of the psychic.
The most famous (fun to portray / play with) of the extra sensory perceptions, precognition is the direct flow of futures through a conscious mind of the present.
When one or more consciousness speak/write/draw/act through another consciousness, or at least through another person's body, we call it channeling.
Direct mind over matter repair of the human body is called psychic healing and it is perhaps the most socially disputed of the extra sensory perceptions.
That is the funniest part...
the proof is all around you, you have most likely experience proof yourself, you just haven't allowed yourself to realize it.
You literally can't imagine a happy future for yourself when you are in the depths of despair? Or sometimes you find yourself adamantly making a point only to discover it is the same point someone else just made (in different words, or the same ones in a different order....)?
"I was just thinking that exact same thing!" or
"You took the words right out of my mouth!" or
"That was my idea! / I had that same idea!"
Grabbed an extra water bottle (doesn't have to have been a water bottle could have been anything), not because you thought you'd be extra thirsty (or whatever), but because you just felt like you might need it, no particular reason, and later on it was someone else's need you filled by giving away that water bottle (or whatever)?
We are all energy in the frequency form of sentient human beings on planet earth, in the Sol Helios solar system, in the Spur of the Orion arm of the Milkyway Galaxy of our known cosmos, all of which was in one relatively incomprehensible, unified form before the Big Bang, "smaller than the period at the end of this sentence," as NDGT put it.
All psychic phenomenon occurs because of the fluidity of freewill and its transference or transformation (the movement of conscious-time-space), and the present freewill conscious perception of and interaction with the occurrence.
In other words, the more one taps into our collective oneness, the more psychic abilities are available to perceive and participate in.
What separates psychics from non-psychics is choice, conscious or subconscious, to perceive reality beyond the sensory realm to that of our interconnectivity and/or our oneness, or all, all at the same time. I would therefore wager most psychics may not yet know they are naturally predisposed to psychic phenomenon. ;)
Classical Physics can't explain psychic phenomenon because physics governs matter, that is, the space-time aspects of reality.
We look at Energy Physics, a.k.a FreeWill Physics, to understand how psychic phenomenon works in our seemingly physical reality because energy physics includes the conscious aspects of reality, conscious-time-space, the greater whole of space-time.
The paranormal / E.S.P. / psychic phenomenon seems unreal to us because of our perception of separateness. We don't just consider that you and me are separate beings, we consider consciousness, time and space as separate "things." From this point of view, it makes no sense how one person's conscious thoughts could be in another person's head, or how a future can be "seen" before it is experienced, or how an inanimate objects can pass along information that isn't deduced or observed or measured of the object itself.
When we look at consciousness, time, and space as three aspects of the same "oneness," three perspectives of the same reality, paranormal / E.S.P. / psychic phenomenon becomes comprehensible. From this point of view, we see (as example) the wave and particle are one-in-the-same, just two, very different and mutually exclusive expressions of the same whole. Reality is likewise a varied (sometimes contradictory) expression of the same whole, and as such, it's not the conscious thought itself that moves from one mind to another mind, it is one mind's conscious awareness that expands to include the other mind's thought, those futures, and/or the happenings or people that made an impact on the inanimate object, while still retaining a sense of self and separation from this other mind, those futures, and the inanimate object.
(We are coming back to inanimate objects later.)
Oneness means no separation and no connection, just oneness that is, and from here we do not see conscious-time-space, as that would be seeing a separation and relationship, but here there is only oneness that is. The thought doesn't move from one mind to another, and the one mind's awareness doesn't expand to include the other mind and their thoughts, the "one" "is."
In simpler terms (for example), from this point of view, contrasts and polarities are no longer opposing, they are in fact the same.
Just let that sink in for a moment.
The psychic experiences "just knowing" or "reaching out" or "receiving" because they shift/move their conscious awareness to a different dimension of consciousness that was there the whole time.
We have socially accepted examples of this in our individual behavior and group behavior studies, in our growing acceptance of our collective social consciousness verses our individual consciousness singularly.
In this, we can see how our state of mind is a filter for our experience, both as individuals and a collective.
Technically, the inanimate object is a state of mind as well, when you understand the nine dimensions of conscious-time-space. Some of us human beings, have a hard time with the consciousness of an inanimate object because we see consciousness as a part of living things and inanimate objects as non-living things. Yet, here it is. The object exists and therefore has a life, and with that life it is living, even if it is living in a state that is much different than our own, a measure of consciousness. When we understand this, we can communicate with the objects, not in the same way people talk, but in the way the object lives, isness.
Only two things stop a person from experiencing or participating in the (para)normal:
Higher Self has become a socially accepted term for the greater part of someone's individual beingness. Some folks say your higher self is your soul, some say your higher self is your future self, and I say they're all accurate. For this reason, it is important to connect with one's own greater being, their Higher Self.
The concept of the higher self, as soul and/or future self (and let's not forget past-self), is not so far fetched and unbelievable when you understand that there are three dimensions of consciousness that are an aspect of the very fabric of reality. One energy, many expressions. In this, none of us is ever actually disconnected from our Higher Selves (our greater selves), we're just not consciously paying attention to (spending our freewill energy to be aware of) our Higher Selves. As such, we can re-connect, pay attention to, our Higher Selves at any time.
If you've read our Energy Physics page, you know we likened conscious and unconscious thoughts, perspectives, and beliefs to ripples on the pond of the whole of consciousness, and that meditation is the act of letting those ripples go so that you may glean and perceive reality itself. What we didn't mention on that page is that the inner voice answering you in new thoughts is your Higher Self. A part of that pond whose ripples are beneath the surface and subtle.
Meditation help?
We're partial to YouTubers Spirit Science & Animated Abraham,
and Shoalin Master ShiHengYi.Online / Shoalin.Online ( YouTube )
(without being paid, in anyway, to recommend them.)
Your thoughts, perspectives and beliefs, whether conscious or subconscious, new or established, invoke feelings because of your emotion physiology. However, when your Higher Self is "speaking" and you "hear" it as your own thought, there are no emotional triggers because that part of yourself is beyond your emotion physiology. These matter-of-fact thoughts are full of a quiet but powerful love and benefit to you and others at all times, because from within those higher levels of consciousness we are connected and one. These emotionless benefit-thoughts also have clear and concise connections to thoughts, perspectives, beliefs, and questions you've already had, such as liking to be helpful and thus being urged to grab that extra water bottle even though you don't think you'll be extra thirsty. ;)
Most of us are already in contact and interacting with our Higher Selves, meditation strengthens and clarifies the bond and the journey.
TIP: Your higher self will let you ignore them because it's your FreeWill experience! So, when you find yourself countering a matter-of-fact-thought-of-benefit with a list of conscious reasons to the contrary, pause and re-consider that matter-of-fact-thought-of-benefit.
Where our higher-selves are matter-of-fact and our connection to all-things, Mother Earth is playful and our connection to all earthly things. Within our present dimension of consciousness, we have socially accepted segments of that present consciousness into conscious and subconscious, but remember, there are three dimensions to consciousness so we know there is also a higher-conscious, our higher selves.
(Not to be confused with the unity consciousness, God)
So, if our higher-conscious is our higher-self/future-self/soul, and what we know of as our ego, our sense of inner self is our conscious, what or who is our subconscious? Mother Earth of course! That pure and playful counter-part to the matter-of-fact higher-self and the wobbly ego-conscious self.
Remember, even inanimate objects are a state-of-mind, and our Earth is far from in-animate. She understands polarities and contrasts are fruit of the same tree, and the balance of all things, and she revels in it. Like a child, she plays with reality and she'll play with you for your benefit and the world's benefit!
In the same way that we make sense of the gravity holding our solar system together as largely being centered on our sun holding everything together, when in fact it is more like the mutual centers of all bodies and their pulls on each other that holds them all together, we can make sense of all the happenings (past, present, and future) on our planet by focusing on Mother Earth as the center of our earthly experiences. Our greater Earthly Consciousness.
For me, connecting with this greater earthly consciousness is experienced like a compulsion I can ignore but it usually benefits me not to.
It is important, therefore, to mention that we all experience reality in our own ways, and the nuances of how we experience our Higher Selves and Mother Earth also vary. Trust yourself to know the truth of your own experiences!
If you're unsure of what consciousness you're connecting with,
ask specifically!
"Is this my Higher Self?"
"Is this Mother Earth?"
"Is this Nikola Tesla?" ;)
EXAMPLE (true story, I, M.E., experienced myself 2005):
I thought-hear my Higher Self, but I sense-feel Mother Earth, even before I knew I was doing it.
"let off the gas" I felt as a compelling notion (compulsion) more than word-thoughts, driving 45mph in a 40mph zone (I looked) as I approached a major intersection one night.
Still, I thought back to myself , "but it's a green light. I have the right-of-way" not understanding myself or my compulsion to let off the gas despite approaching a green lit intersection that, to me, seemed empty.
Thankfully, one might even say luckily, I took my foot off the gas even as I questioned that compulsion that it would benefit me to do so, without explicit reason why, despite the light being beautifully green.
"Maybe there is a cop I can't see but who can see me in my roommates sports car!" I reasoned in a picture-notion more than word-thought, my heart suddenly caught in my throat as a truck rushes past my bumper so close I see the reflection of the car I am in whir in front of me, as the truck rushes by in front of me, and I feel the plastic body of the car I am in actually whoosh.
Miraculously, to me, our vehicles don't collide.
" They didn't have their lights on and they ran a red light!!! "
I didn't even know what a Higher Self was, or anything about connected consciousness! I wasn't consciously communing with Mother Earth, I was just driving to work on a graveyard shift. The impact would have been on the driver's side, my side, and I doubt that I would have survived it. So, what gave me the urge to let-off the gas against all conscious reason, to avoid a collision I didn't know was possible? The subconscious, the earthly-connected.
We often call it instinct or intuition, that part of ourselves that knows more than we're consciously aware of and it only benefits us more to make that connection consciously and on purpose. Only you will truly know how you commune with your Higher Self/all of life or Mother Earth/all of life on earth.
Realize the experience contradicts your conscious thoughts and dive deeper, for you would not live a happening/event or experience if it wasn't answering (in some way) your own freewill. This is where your HUD comes in. LOVE is where we connect without fear so, if you can, approach the phenomenon with love to discover your answers.
If you just want it to stop, you must truly convince yourself you no longer believe, and by doing so, cease access to the phenomenon.
For some, understanding the phenomenon might be easier...
When you've gotten familiar with your HUD and you're actively using it, you can tell the difference between your own emotions/thoughts and psychic emotions/thoughts because the former has a tangible energetic tether (for lack of a better term) which connects to the thoughts/perspectives/beliefs which caused it (the thought or emotion being experienced), but a psychic thought or feeling doesn't, it's just there with no past or cause leading to it in your own mind/beingness.
That is when you can consciously "follow" the thought or feeling which isn't yours, with your awareness of it, to the person feeling it. If you're practiced or naturally talented enough, you can then know exactly why they are thinking or feeling it, from their point of view, you can experience the tether with the causes and past leading up to it from within their experience.
(Or futures, if that is the case.)
You are the only one limiting or initiating your abilities, even and especially when you believe someone or something else is so, you have to choose what it is you really want to experience and focus on that.
"God" sent Jesus (and others) to tell the people about energy physics / freewill physics, but the people didn't have the vocabulary / science to articulate and experience like we do now...
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